Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April Snow

I just finished work for today and walked into the living room to find soft, fluffy snow falling outside.  It feels like I was standing inside a snow shaker...beautiful.  Except it's April and this winter has been so very long....its hard to see the beauty.

Remembering my last post, I began to think of the flakes as apple blossom petals falling from the sky....April snow.  I began to think of the Spring rains, and how after blooming for awhile, the petals would fall during the spring rains or a strong wind.  They pile on the grass like snow.  Is this taking you into Spring?....I hope so.

So, I'm making today's painting another blossom painting.  It is one I finished awhile ago, but it seems relevant to my thoughts today.  It is larger and is one of the first in a series I'm working on.  It is acrylic on gold leaf...and it's the reason I have been working so hard to master acrylics.  More on the later.  But that does bring me to daily painting.  For more information click here.

So for today it is Apple blossoms, again. I hope it brings a breath of Spring to you today.

Blessings on you day.

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